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Ways Brain Injury Settlements or Damages Awards Improve Victims’ Lives

Brain injuries can result in a variety of problems, ranging from minor ones like confusion and memory loss to more serious ones like head injuries or paralysis from spinal cord injuries. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common types of head injury. TBIs can be caused by car accidents, falls, or medical […]

What to Do When School Negligence Impacts Your Child

When your child is negatively impacted by the school system’s negligence, you may feel helpless as a parent. Naturally, you want to protect your child and provide the best education possible for them. However, it is critical to intervene when New York City school system fails to provide a safe and supportive learning environment. With […]

Can Building Code Violation Be a Basis for a Premise Liability Case?

Building code violations can play a significant role in determining whether or not a premises liability case is successful. Building codes are regulations enacted by the government to protect citizens’ safety by ensuring that structures meet certain standards. If a property owner fails to meet these standards and someone is injured or becomes ill as […]

What are My Rights to Sue the Police in New York?

In cases where a police officer has violated your rights, such as through false arrest, excessive force, malicious prosecution, or racial profiling, you have the right to file a civil lawsuit and seek monetary damages. Understanding the laws and legal procedures associated with suing the police is critical so that you can take the necessary […]

Proving Your Case in a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Brooklyn, NY

Construction accidents can be financially and physically devastating. This can be made even more difficult if you are not compensated for your injuries. However, in order to recover damages from a personal injury lawsuit under New York labor law, Brooklyn construction workers must be able to provide evidence to prove their case. It can be […]

Who Will be Responsible in a Work-Related Car Accident in New York?

Work-Related Car Accident in New York

Hundreds of businesses offer company vehicles to employees who must commute to and from their jobs. However, employees who experience work-related car accidents may wonder who’s liable for damages. An NYC car accident lawyer can explain everything you should know about these collisions. Having the right advice can help you pursue compensation. If you experience an accident […]