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Case Results

Construction Accident $3,000,000

A construction worker was unloading material from the back of a pickup truck when a crane hook struck him in the head. He sustained a traumatic brain injury and also required a fusion in his neck. Ross & Hill sued the owner of the premises, the general contractor for the job site and subcontractor whose employees were operating and directing the crane.

School Negligence $2,250,000

Negligent supervision and the wrongful death of a child while on a school trip. Students were left alone in the motel while the chaperones got together for coffee. Ross & Hill represented the child who jumped in the pool to save his classmate who had fallen in the pool and couldn't swim. Tragically, both children drowned.

School Negligence $2,250,000

A school bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road. Ross & Hill represented one of the children on the bus who sustained a skull fracture and was left with a traumatic brain injury.

Premises Liability $1,000,000

A tenant who was shot in the stomach by a trespasser in the common area of his residence. The front door was always propped open and security guards were always leaving their post. Ross & Hill sued the building for lack of security. The building had received prior violations for lack of security due to several crimes that had been occurring in the building.1,000

Medical Malpractice $1,300,000

A doctor who performed open heart surgery left a foreign object inside of the patient. Subsequent to the surgery, plaintiff began having difficulty walking. Through follow-up imaging, a sponge was discovered in the area of his heart and plaintiff required a foreign body removal. HIs walking was permanently impaired.

Premises Liability $1,500,000

A warehouse worker was struck by a forklift operator who claimed plaintiff fell on his own. Video footage captured the incident to help prove the negligence of the forklift operator and the forklift operator's employer through vicarious liability. Plaintiff sustained multiple fractures of his foot and required several surgeries.

Premises Liability $60,000

Negligent Supervision at an ice skating rink. Field trip for first graders, the client had never ice skated before. Ross & Hill sued both the school and the rink for lack of supervision of rowdy kids who caused our client to fall and injure her ankle while skating.

Premises Liability $75,000

Young man out for a jog at dusk in Bklyn Bridge park. A wire fence was erected to temporarily close off a section of the jogging path but it was very difficult to see which rendered it a trap. Plaintiff ran directly into it causing him to flip over it with force and struck his face. He required stitches to his forehead and a faint scar remained.

Trip and Fall $600,000

A woman tripped and fell on a construction plate that was not made flush with the sidewalk. She sustained a fractured humerus which required surgery to put in plates and screws.

Police Misconduct $367,000

Woman hosted a BBQ in her backyard and invited about 50 guests. Police entered the home and arrested all 50 guests and held them in police custody for several hours. All were handed a summons for having an open container in public which was dismissed later in Court because they were all on private property. Ross & Hill represented 22 of the approximate 50 people arrested and recovered $367,500.

Hospital Negligence $300,000

A child visiting their grandmother in a hospital. While grandma was at therapy, someone working for the hospital delivered grandma her lunch, hot soup on a tray to her room even though she was not there. Child bumped into the cart which had the tray of hot soup and landed on her face causing severe burns.

Pedestrian Knockdown $525,000

A pedestrian was struck by a car. Ross & Hill sued the driver and won for the insurance policy limits of $25,000. Also sued the City on the basis of negligent maintenance of the intersection including faulty lighting which caused and contributed to the accident. Settled with the City for $500,000

Police Misconduct $52,000

A man rented a car from a car rental company. Car rental company had a glitch in their system showing that the car was still available for rent but now missing from the lot. During the plaintiff's rental period, the car company reported the car as being stolen and cops arrested the man, despite him providing valid proof of rental and payment history to the arresting officers. Ross & Hill sued both the City and the Rental Company. Man spent 11 hours in police custody. Recovered a total of $52,000 from the Rental Company and NYC.

Motor Vehicle Accident $1,250,000

A bus operator who was rear ended by another vehicle and sustained a neck and back injury and a shoulder injury. Plaintiff required arthroscopic shoulder surgery and a fusion to her back. Ross & Hill recovered the full insurance policy limit of 1 million dollars and were able to get an additional $250K through an umbrella policy.

Construction Accident $450,000

Construction worker who was caused to fall off of a makeshift scaffold that moved while he was standing on it about two stories high. He injured his back and he required pain injections. He was out of work for over 1 year.

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