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How To Prove Negligence in a Sidewalk Injury Claim in NYC

How To Prove Negligence in a Sidewalk Injury Claim in NYC

New York City sidewalks are notorious for being rough, but even so, you likely never expected to become a victim of a sidewalk accident. If you experienced serious injuries after slipping, tripping, or falling on an NYC sidewalk, you may have the right to compensation. Your case hinges on your ability to prove another party’s […]

5 Reasons To Hire a New York Sidewalk Accident Lawyer

Brooklyn Sidewalk Accident Lawyers

Walking in NYC can be riskier than you’d expect. Apart from the about 15,000 pedestrians who suffer injuries from motor vehicles in New York every year, pedestrians can trip on uneven pavement, suffer injuries from heavy falling objects near construction sites, or slip on icy sidewalks.  If you sustain an injury while walking down the […]

Who Is Liable for Injuries Caused by a Broken Sidewalk?

Who Is Liable for Injuries Caused by a Broken Sidewalk

According to the Department of Transportation, New York City has over 12,000 miles of sidewalks. Sidewalks play a major role in citizens’ ability to travel around the city. But when they become broken and cracked or fall into disrepair, they can be the source of serious accidents.  If you experienced an injury due to a broken […]

Ask A New York Sidewalk Accident Lawyer Answers: What Do Pedestrians Need to Know?

sidewalk Accident in New York

Despite significant auto safety improvements in recent years, traffic accidents hurt and kill people across the U.S. every day. According to The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, nearly 43,000 people died in fatal car crashes in 2021 alone. As any NYC sidewalk accident lawyer knows, however, the most vulnerable people in a car accident are pedestrians. Unlike […]

Sidewalk Accident in New York City? Here’s What You Can Claim in Damages

It happens to the best of us: you’re out strolling down the sidewalk, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, you suffer an unfortunate accident.  Whether it’s a broken ankle, a twisted knee, or a slammed finger, the aftermath of a sidewalk accident can be understandably painful—both physically and financially.  If you’ve recently suffered […]

Everything You Need to Know About Sidewalk Accident Injuries

sidewalk Accident in New York

What happens if you injure yourself while walking on the sidewalk? You may have serious injuries that prevent you from working or participating in activities you usually enjoy. Worse still, medical bills can pile up. You may ask, “Who is responsible if you are injured in a traffic accident on a sidewalk?” and “How do […]

What to Do After a Sidewalk Accident in New York

Sidewalk Accident in New York

If you tripped and fell on a sidewalk in New York City, you may be unsure of your next steps. Sidewalk accidents can be stressful, painful, and traumatic. In the chaos following the accident, you may not even consider seeking compensation.  However, taking the proper steps after a sidewalk accident can help you recover a […]