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How To Choose the Right Premises Liability Attorney

Brooklyn Premises Liability Lawyers

Have you ever heard about the famous manhole accident case? Several years ago, a man in Brooklyn fell into an open manhole that the city neglected to warn passersby about. The man sued the city of New York and won a whopping $18 million for its negligence. If you’ve hurt yourself on someone else’s property, your settlement […]

I Had a Slip and Fall in My Friends House, What Should I Do?

Building Stairs Feature image of Blog article describing what to do after being injured in a fall at a friends house

If you have a slip and fall injury in a friend’s or family members home, it can be hard to know what to do. It is difficult to deal with the idea that you may need to hold your friend or family member accountable. After all, they are people close to you. However, you were […]

The NYC Subway System Can Be Dangerous to Riders

New York City Subway At night

The New York City Subway system is one of the oldest underground systems in the world. Originally conceived in 1869, the idea for an underground mass transit system in New York City wasn’t approved for construction until 25 years later in 1894. At the time, there were catastrophic blizzards in the recent winters that would […]

Premises liability: Steps After a Slip, Trip, and Fall Accident

By Adam Hill, posted in Premises Liability on Thursday, September 29, 2016. 1. Get witnesses information: A fact witness can help you establish that you slipped, tripped, or fell in the location alleged in your Summons and Complaint in a premises liability lawsuit. Testimony by a fact witness identifying the accident location can prevent a […]

The Many Circumstances of Premises Liability

By Adam Hill, posted in Premises Liability on Thursday, July 27, 2017. At Ross & Hill, we have an extensive track record of help people who have been affected and injured as a result of a premises liability issue. We have helped many people in Brooklyn and all across New York City with the serious […]