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How Do I Know If I Have a Premises Liability Claim?

Premises Liability Lawsuits in New York

If you sustained an injury on another person’s property, you may have grounds for a premises liability claim. Assuming your claim is successful, the property owner (or their insurance company) will pay you for the damages you experienced. However, your case must meet certain criteria to qualify for a claim.  So, how do you know […]

How To Seek Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries in New York

How To Seek Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries in New York

Dog bite cases can become messy quickly. You may initially decide not to hold the dog’s owner liable for your injuries, especially if they are a friend or neighbor. But as the bills pile up, you may rethink your decision.  You may have a few options for seeking compensation after a dog bite, depending on […]

Ask a New York Premises Liability Lawyer: What Should Property Owners Know?

Premises Liability Accidents in Manhattan

Falls cause over 8 million hospital visits in the United States every year, according to data published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. People slip, trip, and fall for all sorts of reasons in all kinds of places. As New York premises liability lawyers know, however, if a personal injury case ends up in […]

How To Choose the Right Premises Liability Attorney

Brooklyn Premises Liability Lawyers

Have you ever heard about the famous manhole accident case? Several years ago, a man in Brooklyn fell into an open manhole that the city neglected to warn passersby about. The man sued the city of New York and won a whopping $18 million for its negligence. If you’ve hurt yourself on someone else’s property, your settlement […]

Understanding the Elements of a Premises Liability Case

The foundation of any premises liability case in New York is fairly straightforward: an injury occurred, and the property owner can be held liable if negligence or some other factor is to blame. The problem is that these types of cases can be incredibly complex, given the number of elements that must be established in […]

Examples of Premises Liability Cases

Being injured in an accident can have serious consequences for your health and well-being. While recovering from your injuries, you may accrue medical bills and incur losses due to lost wages. The premises liability law in New York City allows you to file a claim and receive compensation for injuries sustained on someone else’s property. […]

Can Building Code Violation Be a Basis for a Premise Liability Case?

Building code violations can play a significant role in determining whether or not a premises liability case is successful. Building codes are regulations enacted by the government to protect citizens’ safety by ensuring that structures meet certain standards. If a property owner fails to meet these standards and someone is injured or becomes ill as […]

What Are the Common Types of Premises Liability Lawsuits in New York?

Premises Liability Lawsuits in New York

If you get hurt on someone else’s property or while on business or municipal premises, who is liable for your injuries? Can you file an insurance claim, or do you have to seek compensation through a lawsuit? When a property owner fails to maintain a safe property or is aware of dangerous conditions on the […]

I Had a Slip and Fall in My Friends House, What Should I Do?

Building Stairs Feature image of Blog article describing what to do after being injured in a fall at a friends house

If you have a slip and fall injury in a friend’s or family members home, it can be hard to know what to do. It is difficult to deal with the idea that you may need to hold your friend or family member accountable. After all, they are people close to you. However, you were […]

The NYC Subway System Can Be Dangerous to Riders

New York City Subway At night

The New York City Subway system is one of the oldest underground systems in the world. Originally conceived in 1869, the idea for an underground mass transit system in New York City wasn’t approved for construction until 25 years later in 1894. At the time, there were catastrophic blizzards in the recent winters that would […]